This article addresses the impact that the Affordable Care Act (ACA) has on Native American healthcare. Many of the issues causing the disparities were to be addressed and resolved within the framework of the ACA. Allocation of funding is reviewed in this article including important information regarding lack of access to healthcare. In conclusion, the article proposes a systematic reform as a solution.
The Stigma of Mental Illness Among American Indian and Alaska Native Nations: Historical and Contemporary Perspectives
Mental health in Native communities continues to present a challenge for mental health providers. Chronicling the issues surrounding the stigma of mental illness in the Native American culture, Grandbois explains the main problems contributing to the hesitancy for seeking help. In conclusion, Grandbois offers recommendations and alternative approaches to encourage and motivate clients to seek assistance and maintain treatment compliancy.
Resilience in American Indian and Alaska Native Public Health: An Underexplored Framework.
Resilience is a term expressed by Native people when describing their survival both historically and currently. Teufel-Shone, et al explains why extended family and community involvement are critical for mental and physical healing. Leveraging the concept of family and community inclusion with a client-centered focus will accelerate the healing process promoting a better outcome.